Easy Cancel Policy?
YES! Monthly subscribers can easily cancel by simply providing their email address, license key number if they have it, and a reason for the cancellation.
No questions asked.
Completely virus free browsing, seriously?
With TraceFree you are using your keyboard and mouse to remotely browse on a very powerful computer in the cloud. The browser does not run on your computer. When the server visits a website, you are just “seeing” on your monitor, what it sees. Your computer NEVER touches a website when browsing. If there is a virus is on a website, the cloud computing server deals with it always keeping you safe. This is the same technology the Department of Defense uses to protect their network.
Isn’t my antivirus program and a firewall enough to keep me safe?
No. The most expensive antivirus software programs and firewalls are not protecting companies from getting cyber attacked because they still let a link get opened on a device. TraceFree makes sure that no link is ever opened on your computer. Virus free is the best antivirus software program.
How private am I when using TraceFree?
You are basically using a high power computer in another town when using TraceFree. Websites cannot correctly identify you or your true location (that includes Google). Websites cannot correctly identify you because they cannot see or touch your computer. They see the server, not your computer, Your Internet Provider cannot see any websites you visit. They only see that you visited the cloud provider (Azure, Rackspace IBM etc). Because your device never interacts with a website there is NEVER any evidence of what sites you visited on your device. The best tech expert could look at your computer and they would have no idea what sites you visited. There is no evidence of your browsing on your device or when you login.
How can I tell I am really private when using TraceFree?
Easy. When you login we have a page setup called “Proof”. There are many links to sites that will show you how websites cannot identify who you are or where you are really located. Amazon will think you’re in location and Google will think you are in another. These sites are identifying the TraceFree server, NOT your device.
How do I know I am safe?
Because you are actually browsing on the TraceFree server (and not your device), you cannot download any content to your device. Our server acts as the middleman between your device and every website.
If someone looks on my computer what can they see?
Nothing. There is NO EVIDENCE of your browsing on your PC. If someone opens the TraceFree Browser they will not be able to see ANY SITE you have ever visited.
Do I need to clear cookies or browsing history?
No. There is no browsing data of any kind on your computer to delete. No cookies or viruses ever get on your device. There is no browsing history to delete.
Do you, or the cloud provider store my data like passwords and credit card numbers?
No. Due to encryption between you and a website, we cannot see any login or credit card info you enter. Therefore it is never stored with us or the cloud provider.
Can the cloud provider identify me when I browse?
No. They can see every website that their servers visit but they CANNOT identify you.
Can TraceFree identify me when I browse?
No. Each browsing session is given a new 24 digit alphanumeric temporary id. Our server sees websites that are visited and the temporary id associated with it. The browser is deleted on logout. You are private even on our server.
Am I still safe and private when using the Beta version?
Absolutely. The browser runs great and is perfectly private and safe. We label it “beta” so we can make changes. We like to call it a “it works in progress”.
How is TraceFree so fast?
You are browsing using a cloud provider’s very powerful computer. The cloud provider’s computer is on their high speed network. Most often you will get speeds that are much faster than what you get with your local ISP.
Can I use my email with TraceFree?
Yes. We strongly recommend using it when opening ANY link in an email. Corporations use TraceFree as a way to prevent links in phishing emails from attacking their network. If there is a link in an email that you are unsure about, use TraceFree to open it.
How you are different than other private browsers?
Private browsers like Tor and Brave run on your device which allows a website to see your device (and the cookies on it). Not only are you NOT private with these but this allows the site to place malicious code on your device. TraceFree runs on a server in the cloud so websites can never see your device or place any malware on it. You are always safe and private.
Do I use TraceFree with my browser?
TraceFree IS the browser. You use it just like your regular browser, but instead of it running on your device, it runs in the cloud keeping ALL content from ever touching your device. Your keyboard and mouse act as a remote control to the browser, which is on our server in the cloud. Your screen exclusively views only what our server sees. You are always anonymous and secure.
What is the "Send to TraceFree" application?
Until TraceFree becomes your full time browser we offer the ability to open any link safely and privately while using Google’s Chrome. If you’re using Chrome and see a link you’re unsure of opening, simply right click on the link and Send To TraceFree. It will be opened safely away from your device. You can find the application here.
How does this compare to incognito or private mode?
Incognito mode only hides your browsing history from the device. Websites visited can still see and touch your device, leaving you vulnerable to cookies and viruses. Your Internet provider (employer) can still see your browsing history as well. In fact, Google even says you’re not really incognito on their website.
What does a website see?
The website ALWAYS sees a cookie free browser, OUR device and the IP address of one of our servers, NEVER yours. They can NEVER identify you, your device or your location. Any cookies, viruses and malware are placed on our machine NEVER yours. These are deleted on logout. You are always completely anonymous and secure while browsing.
Doesn't my private search engine keep me private?
NOT AT ALL. If your browser and device are being used to do the search it doesnt matter if the “private search engine” encrypts, deletes or sprinkles magic dust on your search queries. And if you use Chrome on a private search engine those “private” search queries can be seen by Google. TraceFree is the ONLY solution that protects and hides your device and identity from all 4 points (device, browser, provider and website). You are COMPLETELY anonymous on EVERY search engine.
Does this only work with Windows OS?
The current version available for the public is ONLY for Windows OS. While TraceFree does run on the Mac OS in our lab, we are rolling out one OS at a time. If you want to be notified when the Mac OS is available, please email us info( at) tracefree (dot) com
Can I use this on all of my devices?
There is no login or password required but each device requires a separate license key. License keys CANNOT be shared across devices.
How does this compare to a VPN?
It is MUCH better. A VPN hides your browsing from your ISP but it automatically slows down your browsing due to encryption and leaves browsing history on your device. Furthermore your VPN DOES NOT protect you from malware, cookies or trackers. Likewise, encryption DOES NOT protect your computer from being hacked. In fact where you browsed with a VPN your browsing history wil not be erased. There will be cookies, viruses and browsing history left on your device. Arent those enough reasons to switch to TraceFree?
Should my VPN be on when using TraceFree?
Turn off your VPN when using TraceFree. We encrypt and they encrypt, which can cause an issue.
Can I use TraceFree on social media sites?
Yes, however once you login, you are no longer anonymous to the site. Viewing their content is possible but because your device cannot touch the site, you won’t be able to download or upload any of this content from your device.
Can I use this on a public WiFi?
Can? You should! Most public WiFis are not secure leaving your information and device completely exposed. NO ONE can hack to get a password or other information because NO INFORMATION is going over the network..just pixel changes, The WiFi owner cannot follow you while connected, and even once you disconnect. Complete peace of mind both publicly and privately when arriving back home. Public WiFi hotspots are an ideal place to use TraceFree.
How does this compare to Tor?
Tor is a web browser that connects with other PC’s that have a Tor browser installed to mask your IP address. Your device is still touching endless other random devices in route to the website. This rerouting process really slows down your browsing, and ANY type of content (good and bad) can be downloaded to your device. With Tor, a website can STILL identify and interact with your device. Your browsing is NOT private and secure.
Can I download movies or content?
You can watch videos (YouTube etc) or view images, but NOTHING can be downloaded to, or uploaded from your device. Any hardware or programs on your device CANNOT interact with a website. Simply put, this allows TraceFree to be completely secure. A future version of TraceFree will allow downloading content to storage in the cloud, which will enable viewing capability.
Can I import my favorites or bookmarks?
This version of TraceFree is completely stripped down and does not allow bookmarks to be imported or added during the session. Each session is disposed of upon logout. A soon to be released version of TraceFree will include the ability to save and import bookmarks.
Will TraceFree change the way my applications work?
TraceFree won’t impact any of your applications. It doesn’t need to see or interact with any applications on your device. In addition, it runs completely isolated from any applications on your device.
What is "paid beta"?
Present users are getting discounted pricing for access and in return we continue building out core features like (bookmarks, login, storage etc). since this is the first release of TraceFree. TraceFree runs fine and it’s fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product. However, this allows us to make changes to the product as we need to. The program is COMPLETELY SAFE to use.
What is your log policy?
In answering this question, a little background is necessary. ISP’s or Internet Service Providers ALL keep track of your browsing history or essentially have a log of it. VPN’s or Virtual Private Networks, although they mask user’s activity from an ISP, your device STILL makes your browsing VERY identifiable! In effect, users are essentially being “logged” by many parties, so it really doesn’t matter what your VPN’s logging policy is. Because we are a U. S. based company that runs the application on U. S. based cloud providers, we are legally required to keep logs. With TraceFree, we are the ONLY party that can identify your browsing, and that’s done by your email upon registering. We are the most private browsing solution available, but if users truly want a safe society, they have to realize there should not be complete privacy. With this in mind, TraceFree is to be used for private and secure browsing, NOT illegal activity.
Does TraceFree or any third party sell or share my data?
You the user are our customer, and NOT data. Users are paying us to be anonymous and browse securely. We’ve gone to great lengths to make this possible. TraceFree is like the “Swiss Bank of browsing”. Your data does exist but we won’t share it. To that end, we will only disclose your personal data as required by law when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our Website or Company. With that being said, before we disclose such personal data or web browsing data as required by law, and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process, we will notify you.
Annoying updates?
You won’t get those constant annoying updates like Windows or Adobe. Each time users login, they will be using the latest version of TraceFree. If there’s an upgrade needed, it will ask you to update which usually takes just seconds.
What is the difference between private and anonymous?
Private is a wooden door. You can’t see who or what they are doing. Anonymous is frosted glass. You can see what they’re doing, but you can’t tell who it is. There’s no such thing as a private browser OR private search engine because at least one party (device, browser, ISP, website) can tell who the user is and what they did or are doing. TraceFree is the ONLY browser that keeps you completely anonymous. We like to say “you CANNOT hide your digital footprint, but with TraceFree you can wear someone else’s shoes”.
Will this work with my anti-virus program?
Most programs allow TraceFree to be downloaded and then to run. The only issues we have found is some A/V programs require you to “allow this program” before downloading, not running the application.