Features & How we are different!

How It Works

TraceFree the best virtual browser


Our private browser runs in the cloud NOT on your device. We know you'll love it and we also offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

Always Virus Free

Always virus free (better than Antivirus Software) as the TraceFree browser runs on our server, NOT your device.

Best Pricing

The most competitive online pricing. Plans as low as $6.25/m paid yearly. Cheaper than most antivirus software yearly costs.

Every Search is Private

TraceFree is the ONLY solution that protects and hides your device and identity from all 4 points (device, browser, provider and website).

Your Data is Never Sold

You're paying us to be anonymous. We’ve gone to great lengths to keep it that way. TraceFree is like the “Swiss Bank of browsing”.

No Evidence on Device

We like to say “you CANNOT hide your digital footprint, but with TraceFree you can wear someone else’s shoes”.

Fast Internet speed

Our private browser runs in the cloud NOT on the device, so you get lightning surf speeds and page loads as if it's on fiber optic internet.

Introducing Trace Free

Virtual Private Browser

The Safest Way To Browse The Web

“Always Safe Always Private Browsing”