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4 Things Your VPN Won’t Tell You

Read this BEFORE you subscribe to a VPN.

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4 Things Your VPN Won’t Tell You

Read this BEFORE you subscribe to a VPN. Big Tech is sharing every move you make online and hackers are crippling computers every day. You are now starting to hear about VERY OLD technology as a “new” way to protect yourself online.

The virtual private network, or VPN was introduced just months after Windows 95 was launched and the average broadband speed was .11Mbps. This technology was used for two parties that ABSOLUTELY TRUSTED each other to send data secretly over the Web.

Do you trust every link you click on, or every site you visit? Of course not!The virtual private BROWSER is already replacing the virtual private NETWORK as a way to safely and privately surf the Web.

Here Are The 4 Things Your VPN Won’t Tell You

  1. Big Tech can still see everything you do
    When you use a VPN, your browser encrypts (conceals) the info you are sending over the Web, but it does not conceal your device. So while you may think you are hiding your visits to a website, the website (and all of the trackers) can tell who you are and where you have been.
  2. We don’t prevent viruses
    If you read a VPN ad carefully, the secure part they refer to is your DATA, NOT YOUR DEVICE that is sending it. If you click on a malicious link, or download an infected attachment, using a VPN won’t prevent your device from getting a virus.
  3. All evidence of your browsing is still on your device
    With a VPN, your device and browser interact with every site. A VPN doesn’t prevent cookies, viruses and malware from getting on your device. Deleting your browsing history after a session may make it go away on your device, but EVERY site you visited and EVERY search you made was recorded and stored on servers.
  4. Expect slower browsing speeds
    Have you ever watched a conversation between two people that required a interpreter? Painfully slow isn’t it? When you use a VPN, ALL of your traffic is translated (encrypted) on the way out and on the way back in. This encryption automatically slows down your browsing.

How to Be Completely Safe & Private Online

The only way to be completely secure and private is to use a virtual private browser, where the device and browser run in the cloud and are isolated from your device. Websites cannot see or touch your device. Your data is always secure when browsing and there is NO CHANCE of your device getting a virus.

TraceFree is the browser for a Safe & Private Internet

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