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Google’s reCAPTCHA V3 Is A Tracking Pixel

Google’s new tracking pixel is about to make private browsing almost impossible.

Google's reCAPTCHA V3 Is A Tracking Pixel

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Google’s reCAPTCHA V3 Is A Tracking Pixel

Google’s new tracking pixel is about to make private browsing almost impossible.

Good news! You will no longer have to check “I am not a robot” or select an image to prove you are a human to a website. The bad news? Instead, this new invisible reCAPTCHA will be embedded on all pages of a website (not just the login page) and Google will analyze the way users navigate through the website and assign them a risk score based on how malicious their behavior is.

If you are not logged into a Google Account when you visit a site (and Google cannot identify you by a Google cookie on your browser), you will be considered a “high risk” user and be forced to confirm your identity with a code in a text message or email. Confirming your identity then places their tracking pixel on your browser and they will be able to follow you after you leave the site.

According to the website Built With, 25% of the top 10,000 sites are ALREADY USING this new Google tracking pixel. Google calls it a “better experience for users” but in reality it is a way for Google to not only know every site you log in to, but to track you after you leave.

If you use a VPN, or a private browser like Tor, and think you are hiding from Google, this is really bad news. You will be forced to give up your privacy and install the Google tracking pixel on your browser. Even if you can find the new cookie (good luck), you will then be forced to delete it (or them) after EVERY LOGIN in order to continue to browse privately. However, the damage is already done because you have not only given Google your browser info but your device ID as well.

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This is so much more invasive than the Facebook Connect tracking pixel. You can always stop using Facebook and you wouldn’t see their targeted ads or biased news feed, but it is almost impossible to stop “using Google”. This Google tracking pixel will allow them to see EVERYTHING you do.

How can you avoid being tracked by Google?

In order to avoid being identified and tracked by Google, you cannot let Google EVER identify your device, browser or IP address. This is done by using TraceFree, a cloud browser that uses browser isolation technology to always keep you completely anonymous and secure while browsing.

The TraceFree browser runs in the cloud and not on your device. Your keyboard and mouse remotely control a powerful computer in the cloud. You only see what the server sees when browsing. Your computer never touches the website, so no code, like cookies, tracking pixels, or viruses, ever touch your computer. This is a private browser with the best antivirus solution.

If you are ever required to confirm your identity via text or email to login to a site, simply hit the “Restart” button on the TraceFree browser and get a brand new cookie free browser. You can be assured that all cookies and tracking pixels will be deleted and your device and location will still be hidden.

TraceFree is a private browser that hides your device, identity and location. THAT is a private browser.

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