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How To Tell If Your Browsing Is Private

Don’t take their word for it, get proof instead.
How To Tell If Your Browsing Is Private

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How To Tell If Your Browsing Is Private

Your VPN says it keeps you private and secure, but how do you REALLY know?

Those private browsers all say you are anonymous online but don’t you want to know for sure?

Here is a simple online privacy test that WILL PROVE if your browsing solution is really keeping you private and secure.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to determine that if a website can see and touch your device, there is no way you can be completely private and secure online.

Are You Ready To Find Out?

For demonstration purposes only!

Was this website able to touch your computer? Pretty alarming wasn’t it?
You’re welcome. We don’t mean to scare you but we are trying to EDUCATE you. Your VPN, private browser, and antivirus solution DO NOT PREVENT a website from touching your computer.

If this site can TOUCH your device, that means EVERY SITE can identify, track and has the ability to infect your device!

If you want to see how much data websites and your Internet provider see when you browse, take the complete TraceFree Challenge

Are You Ready For Completely Private & Secure Browsing?

Trace free is when websites can NEVER touch your computer so you cannot be identified, tracked or infected.

Your Internet provider can NEVER see what sites you visited.

When you are TraceFree there is no browsing evidence on your device for your employer, spouse, kids, lawyer or nosy coworker to see.

Even the techiest tech guy can never tell what sites you visited.

Isn’t it time to get TraceFree, the only virtual private browser, more commonly referred to as the virus free browser.

How To Tell If Your Browsing Is Private
How To Tell If Your Browsing Is Private
Do you want a Safe & Private Web? Start your 30 Day Free Trial today.

The Safest Browser

Want to surf the Web without ever getting a virus?

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4 Things Your VPN Wont Tell You

A VPN does not keep you private and secure. Only TraceFree a remote browser gives complete privacy and security.

Online Privacy And Why The World Needs TraceFree

Finally there’s a truly untraceable online privacy solution.

Introducing Trace Free

The Safest Way To Browse The Web

“Always Safe Always Private Browsing”