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How To Tell If Your VPN Is Secure

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How To Tell If Your VPN Is Secure

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How To Tell If Your VPN Is Secure

Your virtual private network (VPN) advertises “private and secure” browsing, but do they ever prove it to you?

A VPN may keep your data safe while browsing,  but it does NOT keep you and your device private and secure when browsing.

Here is a SIMPLE TEST to tell if your VPN is really keeping your device secure.

 Test Your VPN Now!

That is how easy a website can gain access to your computer when using a VPN.

Do you still feel “private and secure“?

DO NOT WORRY, this was just a harmless demonstration.

We are trying to EDUCATE you about the dangers of using a VPN. A VPN CAN NOT PREVENT a website from gaining access to your computer because the browser still runs on your computer.

There is a way to be completely private and secure on the Web though.

A Virtual Private BROWSER Always Keeps Your Data & Device Secure 

TraceFree, the ONLY virtual private browser runs on a server in the cloud and NOT on your computer. No website can ever gain access to your computer. Your browsing session is always virus free.

Every day more people are discovering how they can surf the Web with complete privacy and anonymity.

 Isn’t it time you get TraceFree, the only virtual private browser

Other Suggested VPN Articles: 

4 Things You VPN Won’t Tell You

The Difference Between A Virtual Private Browser And A VPN

The Days Of The VPN Are Numbered

All Of The Info Your VPN Reveals When Browsing


How To Tell If Your Browsing Is Private
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