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Is Your VPN REALLY Private & Secure?
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Is Your VPN REALLY Private And Secure?
Your VPN says it keeps you private and secure, but how do you REALLY know?
The top VPN service providers promise “ultimate online security”, “military grade encryption” and that you are always “secure and anonymous”.
Complete online privacy and security can ONLY be achieved if a website cannot see or touch your device and if your Internet provider cannot see what sites you visit.
Here is a simple online privacy test that WILL PROVE if your VPN is really keeping you private and secure.
Are You Ready To Find Out?
For demonstration purposes only!
Was this website able to touch your computer? Pretty alarming wasn’t it?
We just alerted you to the fact that you are NOT PRIVATE and secure when using a VPN.
We don’t mean to scare you but we are trying to EDUCATE you. Your VPN, private browser, and antivirus solution DO NOT PREVENT a website from touching your computer.
If this site can TOUCH your device, that means EVERY SITE can identify, track and has the ability to infect your device!
If you want to see how much data websites and your Internet provider see when you browse, take the complete TraceFree Challenge
TraceFree Is Replacing the VPN
TraceFree is when websites can NEVER touch your computer so you cannot be identified, tracked or infected.
TraceFree is the FIRST virus free browser.
Your Internet provider can NEVER see what sites you visited.
When you are TraceFree there is no browsing evidence on your device for your employer, spouse, kids, lawyer or nosy coworker to see.
Even the techiest tech guy can never tell what sites you visited.
Isn’t it time to get TraceFree, the only virtual private browser, more commonly referred to as the virus free browser.
Introducing Trace Free
The Safest Way To Browse The Web
“Always Safe Always Private Browsing”