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Malware That Records People Enjoying Porn Discovered

The virus hijacks webcam on porn sites.
Malware That Records People Enjoying Porn Discovered

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Malware That Records People Enjoying Porn Discovered

Webcams are being hijacked on porn sites and users are being recorded watching porn.

It’s bad enough to know that Google is tracking you on sex sites, but things have gotten a lot more invasive.

Hackers have been able to secretly record video from their victim’s webcam and send it to a server, allowing blackmailers to demand money with the threat of releasing the footage.

The threat of its existence has previously allowed scammers to “sextort” people who enjoy watching porn.

The malware, which is often attached to a file being downloaded without the knowledge of the user, is triggered by a porn-related keyword in a URL. The webcam then begins recording video without the porn viewer knowing.

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