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Silicon Valley’s Pied Piper Tackles Online Privacy Problem

Selling your data is worth more than protecting it.
Silicon Valley's Pied Piper Tackles Online Privacy Problem
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Silicon Valley’s Pied Piper Tackles Online Privacy Problem

Selling your data is worth more than protecting it.

Silicon Valley’s Pied Piper CEO Richard Hendricks is at a crossroad when it comes to offering online privacy to customers or selling out to billionaire companies and investors. Does he take the billion dollar offers or continue on his dream of creating a private Internet.

The HBO Show is depicting how Silicon Valley is turning, or rather HAS TURNED, into a “Surveillance Valley”. There is more money to be made from selling your personal data than selling a service to keep it private.

Unlike Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Google’s Eric Schmidt, who are constantly apologizing to Congress and the American people for selling their data without their consent, Pied Piper CEO Richard Hendricks testifies before Congress with his vision of what online privacy is.

Richard gives his vision of a decentralized Internet, where nobody has complete access to anyone’s personal data, and this threatens several multi billion dollar industries.

Silicon Valley's Pied Piper Tackles Online Privacy Problem

There Is A Way To Hide From Big Tech

Both the CEO of Pied Piper and TraceFree have the same vision. Web users should be able to surf the Web without having their personal data sold to ANY entity without their permission. For Pied Piper this vision is a decentralized Internet. For TraceFree it is their virtual private browser.

TraceFree is the first browser rental service and their virtual private browser is very much like a rental car for the Web. A user rents a computer to browse the Web. As the “car” visits websites, the license plate of the rental computer gets scanned always hiding the identity of the actual browser.

The privacy experts are trying to solve this problem from the wrong direction. Google HAS ALREADY identified your device, browserS and every IP address you have ever connected to.

New “privacy” browsers are not going to stop Google from watching and identifying your every move online, but using someone else’s computer will!

If you want to hide your identity when browsing the Web, DO NOT use YOUR device, rent one.

TraceFree doesn’t just say you’re private online, they actually PROVE IT with their TraceFree Challenge.

Are you ready for a Private Internet?

TraceFree Is The Safest Browser

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Introducing Trace Free

The Safest Way To Browse The Web

“Always Safe Always Private Browsing”