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A Sure Sign That The Days Of The VPN Are Numbered

Lifetime subscriptions are the tell.

A sure sign that the days of the VPN are numbered

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A Sure Sign That The Days Of The VPN Are Numbered

When the leading players of an industry start offering “lifetime subscriptions” it is a signal that the growth of the industry has topped. They are trying to tap into the last dollar

Day trade stocks, flip houses, and sell your gold. Remember seeing those ads? When you see advertisements for an industry in every magazine it is a sign that the “easy money” has already been made and the last entrants will be fighting for the scraps.

You are seeing the end of the virtual private network industry. Ecommerce kingpin Amazon launched a VPN. Then the leading adult site giant Pornhub launched one. Last week one of the major browsers Firefox launched a built in VPN to their browser.

The death of the VPN industry isn’t a suprise. The “highest rated” and largest VPN player started offering a “lifetime subscription” many months ago. A simple Google search for “vpn” and “lifetime” will show you just how many other VPN players are offering this now.

The VPN was never designed for Web browsing.

The VPN was launched in 1996, just a couple months after Windows 95. It was designed to let 2 parties that trust each other to send data privately over the Net. It was ideal for sharing data with another employee or branch of your company. You TRUST the people you work with.

Do you trust every website you visit? Of course not and you shouldn’t think that the data they send to your device is safe to open.

The VPN allows data from your PC to be sent to a website. It also allows data from a website to be SENT AND OPENED by your PC.

Still think a VPN is “secure” now?

The Virtual Private Browser is replacing the VPN.

A virtual private browser allows a person to browse the Web without ANY of their data being sent to a website. It also prevents ANY dat from a website to be sent or opened on the user’s computer.

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The ONLY Virtual Private Browser

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