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Remote Browser For Sale

Investor wanted for the only virus free completely private browser. 

Google's FLoC Online Privacy Nightmare

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Remote Browser For Sale Investor Wanted

The only cmpletely virus free and private browsing solution is looking for an investor. The remote browsing investing space is white hot.

In January 2020 Cloudflare acquired browser isolation startup S2 Systems.

In March 2020 McAfee acquired browser isolation Light Point Security.

In November 2020  another remote browser company, Menlo Security announced they raised another $100M giving them a valuation of $800M.

In December Authentic8 announced a partnership with Google Cloud, creating a web isolation platform.

TraceFree, the only remote browsing solution player that gives a completely private and virus free browsing session, is now looking for a buyer or investor.

No Browsing History Browser


Remote Browser Offers Completely Virus Free Browsing

When the browser runs in the cloud and not on the user’s computer, all code is executed on the server thereby preventing any viruses from being downloaded to the device.

All computing has shifter to the cloud, and the browser is now following.

What makes TraceFree so special is their browser extension that enables ANY link or attachment to be opened safely in the cloud away from the user’s computer.

Phishing attacks are a thing of the past because just simply right clicking on a link and then opening using TraceFree, the link is isolated from being opened on the client.

Virus free browsing has never been easier.


Google's FLoC Online Privacy Nightmare
TraceFree Private Browser Free Trial


Cloud Browser For Sale Investor Wanted

TraceFree is a remote browser, or commonly referred to as a cloud browser. It is a browser built just for privacy. There is no browsing history on the browser or on the user’s computer because the browser runs on a server in the cloud.

A person can be completely anonymous when browsing the Web.

This means that every search you make (including Google) is private because the search engine cannot identify the actual computer that is making the search.

This is much safer and more private than a virtual private network because with a VPN the browser is still running locally.

Unlike the Brave Browser which runs locally, TraceFree is completely private because the browser is NEVER even downloaded to the device.

The Tor Browser which masks a user’s IP address still runs on the user’s computer so it is not truly private or secure.

The only virtual private browser prevents any pesonal data from being captured (and subsequently shared) when browsing the Web. It is the ONLY browser that allows a user to opt in, instead of having to opt out of data collection.

TraceFree is the solution to the online privacy problem.


TraceFree Browsing Is The Future And We Are Looking For An Investor.

TraceFree completed a successful Kickstarter.

They launched their beta version and since then they have:

  • Over 100M safe and private web visits
  • Over 30M completely private searches
  • 23 countries (including China)
  • Received 1 patent (1 is pending)
  • Over 7K registered to use once available

If you are investor that wants to give users complete privacy and security, contact us info at tracefree dot com  for more info.

The Best Private Browser

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