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Online Privacy And Why The World Needs TraceFree

The ONLY truly untraceable online privacy solution.


Online Privacy And Why The World Needs TraceFree

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Online Privacy And Why The World Needs TraceFree

The Internet and its convenience should not force us to give up our privacy online.

Finally there’s a truly untraceable online privacy solution.

For over 2 decades, the power of the Internet has brough unprecedented opportunity and connected billions of people in powerful and often life changing ways.

Humanity as a whole has immensely benefitted from the use and evolution of the powerful tool known as the Internet, and all of us constantly changing and improving means by which we connect to the online world to help us improve our own lives.

Starting with the introduction and mainstream success of Windows 95 and the Internet Explorer browser, users have always relied on some type of web browser to help them navigate the vast ocean that is the Internet. In the years that have followed since the initial breakthrough success of Windows 95, there has been a rapid development of new browser, surfing platforms, and mobile web applications.

Today’s online world is one that is radically different from the one we knew during the Windows 95 era, and it is still evolving at a breakneck pace. The world today is more interconnected and reliant upon technology than ever before. Most users today are constantly connected and reliant upon the Internet in some way in their day to day lives.

The emergence of very powerful mobile devices, high speed broadband networks, and useful apps have simplified our lives and made these technologies an essential part of daily modern life.

Along with benefits, convenience and simplicity that these technologies bring into our personal and professional lives, users today are exposed to more online security threats and risks than ever before.

Online privacy and data security have become two key issues today.

Data hackers, web ad monitors, ISP data sharing, viruses, online and social media tracking are all clear and present threats to the end user’s online privacy and data security.

For example, using a browser’s Private Mode or setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) doesn’t stop a virus or fully prevent online tracking because ultimately the browser is still being run on the device itself.

Even the best antivirus software program must still download a dangerous file in order to scan it for viruses. Where is the logic in that?

Simply put- the Private Mode, VPN or antivirus software programs are NOT COMPLETE SOLUTIONS to what is a very large and growing problem that can have devastating personal, professional or even financial consequences to people and businesses alike.

The world needs a completely untraceable online privacy solution.

Our belief in a desperate need for a truly complete and untraceable online privacy solution has served as the inspiration for the creating and launch of TraceFree, the world’s first truly 100% secure and untraceable browsing experience.

We are incredibly excited and believe TraceFree will be a game changer in how users browse the Internet. TraceFree puts the power and control over your online privacy and security back in YOUR HANDS where it should be!

A web browsing FIRST, TraceFree is the ONLY browsing solution to give a user their Own Privacy Policy

With our very simple but completely secure cloud browser solution, users can rest easy knowing that their online business is their own, and NO ONE ELSE’S.

At TraceFree we don’t care who you are or where you go- and we will NEVER sell or give away your data! So give it a try today and let TraceFree be your guide to an online surfing experience that it should be- safe, secure, and truly Trace Free!

Other Suggested Reading:

The ONLY Virtual Private Browser

The Best AntiVirus Solution

The Difference Between a VPN and TraceFree


TraceFree Is The Virus Free Browser

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