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The BEST Private Browser

A private browser runs in the cloud and NOT on your computer. Websites are not able to identify the device that is really doing the browser.

The Best Private Browser

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The BEST Private Browser

When you want to browse with complete privacy, WHERE your browser determines your privacy. The best way to browse privately is to isolate your browser from your computer.

The BEST private browser must:

  1. Hide your computer on a website, yes even on Google.
  2. Hide your browsing history from your provider.
  3. Leave no browsing evidence on your browser or on your computer.
  4. Prevent ANY site from tracking you

A virtual private network (VPN), Tor or the Brave Browser DO NOT  and CAN NOT do all of these things because the browser is running on your computer.

Any browser that runs on your computer cannot give you complete privacy.

The BEST private browser lets you hide from Big Tech.

Here is a quick way to test to see if your browser is really private.

You can test your browser here.



Did your computer open? It means that your browser is running ON your computer, it executed the commands given by the website and any website can see it and touch it.

When your browser runs on your computer, you are NOT PRIVATE.

It also means websites are leaving tracking data on your computer when you browse. You CANNOT prevent this.

TraceFree Is The BEST Way To Browse Privately

TraceFree, the ONLY virtual private browser runs on a server in the cloud and NOT on your computer. No website can ever see or touch your computer because the browser runs isolated from your device.

The TraceFree browser runs on our server and the server visits the website. Any data that a website leaves stays on the TraceFree server and it can NEVER get on your computer.

It is the equivalent of renting a server when you want to browse the Web.

That is what makes it the only Virus Free Browser.

There is NO BROWSING HISTORY ever on your computer. There is no browsing evidence to delete.

When you want the BEST way be private when you browse, get TraceFree.


Private Browser Free Trial
How To Tell If Your Browsing Is Private

Do you want a Safe & Private Web?

Get TraceFree the Best Private Browser.
Start your 7 Day Free Trial today.

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WebPartners Chooses TraceFree for Virus Free Browsing, Case Study

“TraceFree offers us an easy and secure way to visit websites. By giving us a virus free browsing solution, we can safely visit ANY website and see which ones are posting copyrighted material without the worry of any malicious viruses getting on our devices or our network.”

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Introducing Trace Free

The Safest Way To Browse The Web

“Always Safe Always Private Browsing”